Sunday, December 22, 2019

The REAL Coup D'eTat...

The Trump party is determined to take away our voice and our rights. WTF is up with that? I thought the GOP was for smaller government and states rights? We Progressives/Liberals have been demonized and insulted on a daily basis, He goes as far to say to his followers that Liberals want to "kill them", (FL a couple of months ago), and they seem to be doing the best they can to instigate a civil war (divide and conquer). They no longer have any shame and McConnell tells us there will be no fair trial in the senate, the decision has already been made to acquit. They brazenly ignore our Constitution when it suits them, and Trump is acting above the law, using the Attorney General as his personal lawyer and henchman. He has also recruited various congressmen  to do his dirty work. GOP congressmen are all in, or all out. They are too afraid to speak against Trump for fear losing their “jobs”, or they just resign and say nothing so Trump  doesn't attack them.

Being elected to public office is NOT supposed to be a “job”! It's supposed to be a public service. You serve your constituents until your term is over and you go back to your life. You would never know it today with all the career politicians in office. They start campaigning the day they are elected. It used to be that we had a break between elections, now it's campaigning 24/7/365.

If that wasn't bad enough, the Trump republicans have broken their oath to abide and defend our constitution, and have pledged loyalty to known con man and thief. They are dismantling our government right before our eyes. Trump leaves advisory positions vacant because he is so full of himself, he ignores the ones that are left because he imagines that he has all the answers and needs no advice from anyone. He claims he knows more than the Generals, Climate and Environmental scientists, economic an policy experts. He even thinks that he's "the chosen one" or the "second comming of Jesus" The truth is, he's not even qualified to be a dog catcher.  If he's the second comming, we're doomed Indeed, everything he touches, dies.

This may be why his followers are so dedicated. The really believe he was chosen by god, because Paula White, Franklin Graham, Pat  Robertson and Creflo Dollar, say so. These people claim they're in direct contact with 'God' and have had 'visions'. I have a LOT more to say about this, but that will be my next post. (Watch "The Family" on Netflix)

His trade war has devastated agriculture, killed many small farms, and lost markets that took many, many years to develop. Turkey is now supplying the extremely popular Golden Raisins to China, and  California growers are sitting on 100's of tons of them. Also, the grapes they planted to make the raisins are next to worthless. They also have silos and barns filled with last years Soybean crop. These farmers will have to sell them below market value or they will spoil. That transfers to industries like processors and Truckers. They are going out of business all over the country as produce rots in the field because there is no one to tend and pick. This is “winning” and “making America great again”? It turns out that was only meant to be great for the top 10%.  Instead of food stamps, the poor get a wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for and a bunch of shiny new weapons, and rising prices at the supermarket. 

Trump gets on his bully pulpit and Twitter, then lies straight to our faces telling us that China was paying for the tariffs, everything is better than ever, and he's the best thing since sliced bread. "Everybody says that, everybody knows that, and you know it too", so you can believe it...//s The new USMCA is nothing but a slight revision of NAFTA that Trump proclaimed the worst trade deal "ever in the history of the world".

(...only a Sith deals in absolutes.) 

The Republicans seem to be incapable of creating their own legislation, unless it has to do with tax cuts for their friends, financing their pet projects, or adding loop holes to the tax code, that only a few know about, or would even understand.  It's been at least 10 years since they said they had a great new healthcare bill to replace Obamacare. So far the only thing it says is 'dont get sick'. Their favorite thing to say is that Obama lied about keeping you old doctor/insurance. Unfortunately he didn't realize how many people had insurance plans that weren't worth the paper they were printed on, and Doctors that didn't really care about their patients. If they really lied you that much, they can figure a way to keep treating you,or if a privet practice they can choose to accept your new policy. There is always a way an nothing is written in stone. You would think that Obamacare exposing junk healthcare plans and sleazy Doctors would be a good thing, eliminating the suprise of getting hurt and not being covered, but no, the GOP spun it as Obama lied to them. The republicans were the liars, but their base ate it like popcorn.

They did it again when Obama was talking about business and entrepreneurs in Roanoke VA .The sentence "If you've got a business—you didn't build that" was taken completely out of context and cut to." you didn't build that!". Obama was  referring to our infrastructure, not they didn't build their  businesses. What he said, was that business get most of the benifit from infrastructure, and they should pay more. Mitt Romney came out with the lie that Obama was saying the THEY didn't build their businesses(manufactured outrage is a favorite tactic). The lies about this and Obamacare persist to today, and Trumper's will not accept the truth, and think Obama should be arrested, for what they will never say.

His followers who have had their jobs lost to automation, laid off due to closures because the big corporations used their massive tax cuts to buy robots and move operations to foreign countries,...and buy some new boats and vacation homes, instead of creating jobs. The money they give to him is considered an investment and they expect a return, regardless of who it hurts. We now have more homeless than ever before and most people need to work 2 jobs, and are still one paycheck away from the street.

We all know that trickle-down economics does not work. AKA "Horse and Sparrow" economics. The theory is that if you feed the Horse enough grain, there will be plenty left for the Sparrows when it comes out on the other end. Unfortunately economics are not that simple and it doesn't work that way. Reality is the Horse eats all the grain, they eat the Horse and, the Sparrows get only the bones. This is what the Trump admin is doing again, promising the workers plenty of grain, and only giving us the bones.  When the first tax cuts for the rich took effect,  big corporations CUT millions of jobs worldwide. What they also did to the remaining workers was change peoples deductions from zero or 1 to 3 or 4 or the workers what seemed like pay raise and bonus! When the Horse took a shit at tax time, lot's of Sparrows who expected a bumper crop of grain (refund), discovered that they actually OWED 100's even thousands of dollars. They got shit on. It was so profitable, and made Trumps wealthy donors (investors) so happy as well as a boatload of cash. Trump is gonna do it again.  I'm sure a lot of the GOP base didn't even realize what happened. Ignorance is bliss!

Trump appoints people to positions like the EPA head, who have absolutely no business in that office or government  period. The old EPA chief, Scott Pruitt, a trump appointee, spent  his time rolling back environmental laws, spending money like a drunken sailor( ie, private jets, demanding 1st class travel, a condo) and firing anyone who complained about it.  ” says Rhea Suh, president of NRDC, which launched a Fire Scott Pruitt campaign in March to fight the astonishing slew of environmental assaults by the EPA administrator. “Pruitt failed miserably on both counts.”

The name of the man who replaced him is Andrew Wheeler. He is just as bad or worse  than Pruitt, Wheeler is an attorney and lobbyist for the Coal and Energy Industry and he believes that the government should own no land. He is currently lifting logging restrictions in the Tongass National Forrest in Alaska, so Proctor and Gamble can turn 1000 year old trees, into Charmin Toilet paper! The Tongass is the last intact temperate forest's left, and sequesters incredible amount's of CO2. Cutting it will also release 650 million ton's of CO2 back into the atmosphere, raising the temperature 2 to 5 degrees Celsius. Already it's getting so hot in Australia, Wyoming, Montana, parts of Europe and Russia during the summer, we are seeing  asphalt roads melt and buckle from the heat of summer, and that too hot to grow food as well. It's a lot easier to get warm when it's cold, than to get cold when its warm. 3 degrees rise in temperature would be catastrophic.

Wheeler, like Barr, McConnell is a Federalist as are all the judges McConnell is appointing. Many are completely unqualified like 'Bart” Kavanaugh and worse if possible, McConnell is appointing judges who have not even tried a case or deposed a witness They were picked simply because they are young and heavily addicted to Red Kool-aid./Pills. The only requirement is to have pledged fealty to Dear Leader, and do what they are told. McConnell is now ignoring the Bar Association recommendations since they are now deemed 'too liberal' to have an opinion on court appointees. 

Trump has thoroughly embarrassed us on the world stage. World leaders openly joke about what an idiot he is. In his zeal to get close to the worlds despots, who have also made a complete fool of him. His love affair with Kim Jung un ended very badly and he's now threatening to nuke us again...and he can. Kim tried to get him to lift sanctions by showing him what  a swell guy he was, and it was an accident when his Uncle and 12 musicians were obliterated with a WW2 anti-aircraft gun! Kim's people love him so much that they are willing to starve so Dear Leader can live in luxury...//s

Fun Fact: Due to Kim's threats and nuke capability, Trump had a brainstorm and suggested that they evacuate Seoul South Korea, in case Kim decides to nuke it. Such a brainiac! How have we survived without him!

We have lost the little moral authority we once had and are no longer a beacon of freedom and justice for the worlds oppressed, instead we are now an oppressor. We turned our backs on our allies the Kurd's causing the loss of life of 100's and the homes of 1000's because of something to do with Trumps Hotels in Istanbul (it looks like at least). He was also trying to pursued Edogan to buy our arms instead of Russia's. They decided to call it a 'trade deal' to get around the US/UN/EU sanctions, on arms sales to Turkey. This is one of the "drug deals" that pissed off John Bolton. Amazingly, Liz Cheney has sponsored a bill banning arms sales to Turkey.  I have read her daddy is not to fond of Trump for selling out the Kurd's.

Another disturbing observation I have made is that Evangelical/Dominunist  Christians are going full bore on what brought many Christians to America in the first place, and fueled the genocide of Native Americans----Manifest Destiny--- The Christian belief that ALL of North  America was given to white Christians (Canada and Mexico included), by God, has once again become their guiding principal. It appears that Trump followers are encouraged to beat and intimidate minorities using innuendo at Trump's speeches, rallies, and even at his  news conferences and tweets. People who Trump has thrown under the bus have verified Trumps code talk. Many violent actions by trump supporters have been linked to things he has said. His staff is well aware of the code talk when he wants them to do something illegal or unethical (ie. he could say something like, "why are all the cages Obama built on the border empty?").  This is how he can maintain  plausible deniability. He seems to care less about that now since he was crowned as king and now says, " yeah, I did it, so what. I can do anything I want". He would have been in jail long ago if he didn't have so may people willing to do his dirty work. We have never found out how he was able to commit tax fraud in the 90's and get away with it. My guess is that he owned(s) one or more higher up's at the NY IRS.

 Getting back to Civil War, the last time I checked, instigating the overthrow of a government was called , sedition (another impeachment article). That goes for the #IMPOTUS as well. The marching orders for this were relayed in code as well. He thinks that there are a lot more people into this than there really are. White nationalist's,  'Militia' members (Meal Team Six), the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy, Proud Boys and  Patriot Prayer. In reality, they don't really amount to a lot of people and any Civil War action, if any, will be limited to the south east, eastern Washington, eastern Oregon and Idaho. Maybe the Bundy ranch in Nevada too. I really can't see anyone going out of their way to fight them, and I don see farmer Jones down the road coming to shoot me, or Meal Team Six laying waste to 19th and Castro in San Francisco.

For me the worst part of the Muller, FISA and Impeachment hearings has been watching Doug Collins, Devin Nunes, Kevin McCarthy and all the other Trumpublican congressmen, scream and spew Russian created  talking points in our congress, lying and creating their own facts that are not even close to being based in reality. It seems that to trump supporters, it's true only if you can yell really loud, and whine when it's their turn to speak, or Trump declares it true. They do nothing but attack the procedure and the Democrats, but avoid addressing the very real and serious charges against him.  We can not trust ANYTHING that comes from this administration and it's usually the exact opposite of the truth. Employment and economic reports are not to be trusted, because trump will not allow any negative info to come out of his administration. If it does, he throws a tantrum like an spoiled brat and fires anyone responsible for hurting his delicate ego/feelings.

I just found out when watching Washington Journal a few days ago that the Fed has cut interest rates as much as they could (Trump demanded it ignoring expert advice) to prop up our flailing economy, and are now back to printing new money to cover debt. That is going to eventually devalue the US dollar, and interest rates are supposed to increase in January. There is another proposed tax cut coming too. I'm no economic genius, but when you're in debt, losing part of your income is a bad thing. You either find a new source of Income, cut expenses or find a 2nd or third job. They can't cut social programs for the poor anymore (I hope) so I don't know how that is gonna work. That will usher in the coming rescission that can't be avoided. Of course it will be President Obama's fault, or the Democrats. I hope this will prove that trump is a economic and financial idiot. A man capable of losing money on a casino was a big red flag. (the house always win's!)

All of this has really made me angry, and I even contemplated moving to another country, like a lot of people have done already, but I'm not gonna surrender to them. I love my country too much to just let them have it. This is my home and I remember being in Europe, as cool and fun as it was, it wasnt long until I really missed home. Trump is saying that he is not gonna step down regardless of the election results. He has already been saying if he loses, the election is fixed, even though that is exactly what they're doing as we speak! His remaining supporters are not willing to admit they were wrong about Trump, and are gonna support him until the bitter end. They are refusing to believe what is certifiably true if it doesn't jive with their confirmation bias, and they just tune it out. You can read ta paragraph and a Trump supporter will see the exact opposite of what it  truly says, thanks to the advent of ”alternative facts. Word's no longer have the same meaning to all of us. Reading comprehension and critical thinking is lost to the majority of Trumper's.

I found a fake Trump website the other day and I shared it with some hard core Trump supporters and I asked them what they thought. The page was created by an offshoot of the Epoch Times, and it is called "BT". I was reading a story at the LA times and  this presidential survey caught my eye. Something about it didn't look right. My BS detector was right again. I followed the trail.

I researched it and the first thing I found was a Snopes exposé  that had discovered that 'BT'  had created MILLIONS of fake Facebook user profiles and pro Trump pages. What i found on Facebook was called patrotsfortrump2020 that turned out to be administered in Vietnam!  I started to follow fake profiles that led to 1000's more fake profiles and fake pro trump Facebook pages that had made up stories on them, There seems to be no end to these fakes. The next day I read that Facebook had deleted something like 50 MILLION profiles and pages. They had posts that said the Obama's were now Trump supporters, and that lots of Democrats were were turning into Republicans to support him. If you are up on current events you know the truth is the opposite.

Most pages said that there were 1000 to 1/2 a million followers. 99% of the were fake, of course. Some had no comments, others had quite  few real people who had bought it and were commenting. Back my trump supporting friends. When I asked them what they thought, to my suprise that thought the page was great and very balanced reporting! --- *o* --(that's my really surprised look) Even though I told them everything there was a fabrication,  they refused to believe me.

So this is what were up against. If we let them let away with this, say goodbye to our  Constitutional Republican Democracy, and hello Christian Evangelical Dominunist Theocracy. True story.

We are the victims of a bloodless coup by the Russians, Saudis and the energy industry and other corporate interests and Military Industrial Complex,  and have thrown us into a Plutocracy.This is the "New World Order they were talking about. For instance The only reason we are in the Middle east at all is because we're protecting the oil fields, refineries and shipping routes. If you missed it, the Bush 43 admin admitted via Colin Powell that the reason we invaded Iraq was for oil. We have been in Afghanistan for 18 years now, not because of Osama Bin Laden (who coordinated the 911 attack from Saudi Arabia) but because of a mother-load of minerals, and they want to run pipelines through it as well. Unfortunately they forgot that they don't call Afghanistan the “Graveyard of Empires”, for nothing. Afghani's are some bad ass MFR's

They,  the plutocrats, have been using the blood of our sons and daughters to protect corporate interests, not to defend or promote Democracy and Constitution. They have done this to us since Vietnam. Vietnam was just a proxy war between the US and those that threatened US global hegemony. It had been planned for years before we invaded. It was a civil war and it should have been left alone. That cost us something like 58,148 sons and daughters. They died for nothing. Notice how most congressmen who are 'War Hawks' were never in the military, nor their children? They usually had a Doctors would  diagnose them with BONE SPURS or something so they wouldn't have to enlist.

Never give in to these traitors. Their time will end soon. Trump is gonna bankrupt our country like he has himself 4 or 5X to date. The GOP have created a monster and have to continue backing him or be removed from power. History will not be kind to them.

Lastly, make sure to mind your voting registration status, they are actively trying to purge minorities, democrats and Independents. We outnumber them by at least 3 to 1 and probably more than that. There are millions of new young voters that like our country and Constitution the way it is, or the way it was. President Obama won by 10 million votes in 2007. It seems that most have had enough of listening to Trump and his supporters whine and cry every day, and they act as if they're the victims. Because Trump says so...and Liberals are just a bunch of big meanies. 

Don't Boo-Hoo, Vote!

Markus 12-22-2019